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Domestic abuse support

Posted on February 26th, 2021

Domestic abuse is a complex issue, which can take many forms including psychological, financial, sexual, emotional and physical.

This past year has been challenging for everyone, but for victims of domestic abuse who are suffering from continued cruelty and violence it will have felt and will continue to feel intolerable. Lockdown has meant that it’s easier for abusers to control and abuse their victims, who are probably feeling more isolated and alone than they would under normal circumstances.

Children are often the silent victims of domestic abuse, with no schools open they are also locked into situations with few opportunities to gain support. 

If you are suffering from domestic abuse then Merseyside Police, along with partner agencies, are still here to offer help and support. You are not alone. If home is not a safe place for you then you do not have to stay there and you can and should leave to seek help.  Charities are still working, helplines are live and refuges are available.

If you are in immediate danger, you should always call 999. If you ring 999 and are not in a safe position to speak to us then cough, or tap the phone and press 55, when prompted. This will alert the operator that you need assistance and we will provide support.

Alternatively, there is a new scheme called ‘Ask for Ani’ which offers an opportunity to reach out for help at pharmacies, including Boots, without making your situation obvious to other members of the public, or alerting your abuser. If you ‘Ask for Ani’ at pharmacy counters then you will be taken by a staff member to a private space where you can be put in touch with the police, support services and helplines.

Whether you are currently experiencing abuse, or have suffered abuse in the past, support is available. Domestic Abuse specialist services in your local area remain open and can offer you expert support and advice.  They will not tell you what to do but will provide options and choices to help you live safely and recover from abuse.  

For more information, help and guidance please visit:

www.VictimCareMerseyside.org where you can also access a directory of nearly 70 support organisations who are on hand to offer care and support.

Or call the freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline:

0808 2000 247


Content provided by NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). For more information, please visit www.liverpoolccg.nhs.uk.

Published on Fri, 26 Feb 2021 13:54:08 GMT
Modified on Fri, 26 Feb 2021 13:54:08 GMT

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